
This world I created for myself...



6 Years

03-06-2015, 01:46 AM
It seemed to her that the other she-wolf hesitated to answer the questions. Esarosa found it odd, used to speaking with wolves who were straightforward. But she knew being away from home would offer different experiences, and she guessed that started now with this stranger. Fayelon. An intriguing individual indeed. Esa frowned slightly when Faye mentioned that she had met some unpleasant wolves recently - she hoped she wouldn't run into any such characters. She supposed she was lucky she hadn't come across any so far. Her ears flicked back uncomfortably when Faye implied that despite their pleasant greeting so far, she suspected that Esa may still decide to attack. "O-of course not!" she assured Faye, "I'm glad to have met you, I've been alone for so long. I would never mean any harm." She chuckled along nervously with Faye, wondering why she would suggest such a thing.

Esa shifted uncomfortably when Faye went quiet, her eyes seeming to see something distant that Esa could not envision. At last there were words to fill the silence, and Esarosa perked with curiosity. So this fae was borne of royalty. She blinked, grinning with amusement. "It seems we are both royalty," she stated, whisking her tail around, "I for one feel far out of my element... yet I feel a lot more free than back home." She didn't know what Faye's background was like, but she felt in a way like she had common ground with the femme, something they could both relate to. Though she was curious to know more, at the same time she felt somewhat afraid to ask any further. The other she-wolf seemed rather hesitant to answer some questions. Maybe she would find out more later. They didn't need to know everything about one another right off the bat. "I was hoping to catch the sunset tonight," she mentioned, trying to change the subject a little bit, "The sky is so clear today, I'm sure the colours will be magnificent when the sun sinks. Do you spend time just watching the sky change sometimes?"