
It's Britney, Bitch [SIEGE]



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-06-2015, 02:29 PM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2015, 05:41 PM by Hati.)

The way the boy stood as the realization hit him, the rage that burned in those too-old eyes, jerked memories into the forefront of Hati's mind with all the force and inevitability of a rockslide. How old had he been when he'd made the same discoveries about his parents? Younger? Older? Probably a little older, really - he'd been the favored child and that had blinded him to his parents' faults for far longer. Maybe it was when he'd been forced to break Thor's leg, and had felt horror at the feeling of bone snapping when before he'd only relished the rage and the fight. When he'd realized that their mother not only didn't care but approved of Hroovitnir's treatment of them. When he'd realized she wouldn't step in and save them if he went to far.

At least he could keep this weird-looking child safe from the fate that had eventually befallen him - when he'd finally been driven to snap completely and had torn his father's throat out. He could see that same rage simmering within the boy that seared him constantly. The rage that was both comfort and damnation.

The long-looked for but... rather late voice of the little green she-devil broke into his little trip down memory lane and Hati jerked his head up to stare her way. Saliva coated his fangs as he bared them at the fungal creature, and he stepped protectively over the blue-coated child. "Coward," he rumbled, his hackles rising along his back in aggression. "We didn't lie. You rabbited soon as you heard us. Why'd you come back? Don't like someone else taking your toys after you left them behind? Don't like 'em having minds of their own?" He gave a hoarse, barking laugh - a sound he rarely, so very rarely made but there was no humor in it. "Boy made his choice like an adult and you ain't got a thing to do with him now. You want to force him to go with you, bitch, it'll be over my cold rottin' corpse." An ecstatic tingle trickled down his spine, gold eyes afire at the prospect of her actually trying. He'd save the blue boy the trouble of doing it later in life and just rip her throat out of her miserable body here and now.


Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
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