
Oceana Familia


03-06-2015, 04:33 PM
Character Name: Caspia Oceana

Gender: Female

Appearance: Caspia will be a powerful wolf, at 36 inches in height as she gets to be a year old.  But for now, she is nothing but a pup, stumbling over her own paws a little.  Her fur is nothing like her sister's, monochrome in color.  There is not a speck of actual color on her fur, only in her eyes.  And yet, despite all this, Caspia keeps her fur as neat as she can.  Sometimes, though, her fur is dirty and caked with mud, standing on end.  As she gets older, although not as muddy, she will sometimes come from an adventure with mud caked on her fur. The female will try and stay out of as many battles as she can, resulting in not many scars.

Caspia is cloaked in medium gray, only two markings darker than this color. The girl's tail tip is cloaked in a light gray, the color suddenly changing to medium gray to a silver color. A dark gray, almost ebony, covers her back legs and reaches up to her flanks. Her front legs are an entirely different story, being cloaked in light gray. The marking on her face is white, not unlike her sister's. Her left ear is coated in light gray, with no other color.

Caspia's eyes are goldenrod yellow, just like her father's. Really, there isn't a hint of her mother in the pup.

Personality: Caspia is nothing like her sister, really. While her sister may have been changed by her father's enemy, Caspia has stayed the same. Well, mostly the same. Months of travel have changed her in some ways. Instead of settling down, Caspia prefers Nomadic ways, but, if she has to, will settle down next to water. Caspia has had a love for the water ever since she was even younger, getting covered in mud just so she could get the chance to stand in a small stream and feel the cool water rush over her mismatched paws. Swimming, walking into water, or maybe just watching it; Caspia will do anything to be closer to water. It isn't strange to see her standing in water with her eyes closed, not reacting to anything just yet.

Caspia will find herself biting her tongue a lot, being quite short tempered by preferring not to say anything. Out of all her siblings, Calypsei is her favorite sibling. The blues of her sister intrigue her, and reminds her of water. If she ever finds her sister again, Caspia will never leave her side, almost like a shadow of the other pup. Despite the differences between the two, Caspia will tell her sister everything that happened, and try and give her comfort. Never will she ask for much in return, except to be in her presence. Yes, Caspia treats her sister likes a goddess, and may act as a kind of guard to the other. Well, she'll only fight with other pups until she gets older, and then begin taking on everything that dares talk about her sister or insult her.

RP Sample:

Cold water washed over her paws, washing away her worries. If she focused, she could feel all the worries about her sister being washed away for the time being. Yes, she could stand here forever. But it seemed that she couldn't just yet. "Caspia! It's gonna storm soon! You need to come in the den!" Opening goldenrod eyes, Caspia glanced up. One of her parents stood inside the den, staring out at her. Moving away from the creek, Caspia hesitated. Did she really want to leave because of some little storm? No! Glancing up at whoever it was, the pup called back. "I'll be a second!" The parent stayed there for a moment, then nodded and went inside the den. Closing her eyes again, and moving into the deeper part of the creek, she hadn't noticed it was raining until a voice made her jump and glance up. "You shouldn't be in the creek. It's probably going to flood, the way it's raining." Glancing up, Caspia noticed a black and white wolf in the downpour. Eyes a mix of green and blue stared back at her. It seemed that the other wolf wasn't much older than her, but he towered over her. Maybe it was because she was in a creek.

Caspia shook her paws and jumped onto the bank, rain already soaking her fur.
"You should be inside your den, too. After all, you're not much older than me."
The wolf gave a small nod, but waited until she was by his side to speak. "Can you see your den?" Glancing towards where her den was, Caspia shook her head. The rain was falling too heavily to see. A soft noise came from the other pup. "Come on. Follow me." Caspia shook her head, and the other pup turned his greenish blue gaze on her. "I know you don't trust me. But right now, I'm the only choice you have besides drowning." Caspia hesitated, glancing back at her den. "Then I choose drowning. At least I'll be with my family." With that, she headed back towards where the den had been. After a few moments, she felt something pull her back. "You almost fell in the water." The other pup glanced down, and Caspia followed his gaze. The water that wasn't too far from her paws was deep, flowing quickly. Was this another stream?

Sighing, the pup turned to her savior, deciding to follow him. As if reading her thoughts, he began to walk away, glancing back a few times. Caspia followed him for what seemed like forever, until they stood in front of a small den. The other pup went in, and Caspia followed him. She should have worried, but at the time she was too tired. Curling up, she was asleep almost right away. When she finally woke up, the sun was shining, but the pup was still asleep. Standing up, the female began to make her way back home. When she finally found the den, her family glared at her.

Not long after that, the small family found themselves moving again.
