
It's Britney, Bitch [SIEGE]



5 Years
03-06-2015, 06:49 PM

Anticipation was met with silence as frustration built within the mottled wraith. Her king had called her to war but where was the war? Alacritia really was thick with cowards, it was absolutely disgusting. "That's right! You better hide bitch before I snap those horns off your head and shove them up your ass!" She waited, breath bated, verdant eyes piercing the mist. Come on! Where was everyone? She snorted and stalked off behind a tree to empty her bowels both in frustration and as an insult. Fine! If they weren't going to show then the land now belonged to Imperium and she would mark it so.

Yet, what was this? Out of the fog came a glimmer of hope bathed in unfamiliar scents. Fangs gleamed as she grinned and bounded back to the group only to find… pups. The warrior snorted. Pups? The bitch had gone and left the pups? What the fuck was she supposed to do with these? Gaze fell to Valen. She'd come here for a fight dammit, he didn't really expect her to battle these pups? They might be nearly adult size but she doubted they had the skill to offer her any challenge.

Dægmar stalked toward Hati, playfully reaching out to nip at his shoulder. They could always spar each other if no suitable partners could be found. She only half listened as Valentine spoke but as Hati joined in she found herself gazing at him curiously before adding in her own two cents. "That's right kids…. no self-respecting mother would abandon her kids on a potential battlefield. After all, if we were really, really, reeeeaaallllllyyyyy mean… well, you could've been killed or raped or other nasty things by now. I'm Dægmar by the way. Resident badass and I maayyy be willing to teach you what I know." She winked playfully at them. This was kind of fun. She still would rather fight but this manipulation was nice for a change. Wouldn't Loki be proud? That reminded her, she needed to do something about her wayward first litter.

The vibrating thrum of excitement shivered down her spine as a mutated freak of a wolf appeared. Oh… perhaps they were hiding? Perhaps the land was not entirely deserted. Dægmar felt herself shudder. This wolf was was even more disturbing than Dione. Every color of the freaking rainbow matched her pelt! That was down right unnatural…. it was like a skunk and a wolf screwed each other and the wolf vomitted a rainbow on the skunks back. Dægmar shook her head. Wow, she could not process this. Even catchy nicknames seemed to be eluding the warrior in the face of this…. well, this whatever it was she was looking at… oh…. RAINBOW.

Dægmar moved to get behind Rainbow, to prevent easy escape and she grinned. "Hey there miss technicolor skunk, you wanna play? I'm dreadfully bored." The pups were speaking but Dægmar's attention was fixed on the potential of a fight. Some blood, just a little…. ok maybe a lot….

Fixated gaze broke only for Dione's entrance. Well, well, well… so the salad slut herself had the guts to show her face. "Oh Dione, how kind of you to join us. We were just about to play a little game." Eyes flitted from one Lyd wolf to the next waiting lightly for volunteers before she would inevitably make her move. She'd let them argue about the children for now. The brats weren't big on her priority list. She wanted flesh…. eyes flickered to Hati to see if he had a preference.

ooc: holey catchup post batman