
I'm too hot make a dragon wanna retire man


03-07-2015, 01:22 AM
She would freeze and, worrying almost immediately, his eyes would shine with confusion. Emery would open his mouth, about to speak and ask if she was alright when Silveris would visibly react, greeting him back. It was odd, though perhaps she just wasn’t feeling herself? The black and white male would furrow his brow with concern, speaking softly. “Silveris... Are you alright?” He would inquire in a soft tone. She certainly didn’t seem to be completely like herself right now. Maybe she was feeling under the weather? He certainly hoped not. The last thing they needed was for either of them to get sick.

No, instead the female had a question that she posed to him. Emery would blink some as the words fell from her lips. A family? He would look down, a mix of emotions clutching at his heart. “I’ve... Considered the idea.” He would confess. Though his words weren’t exactly happy. “I guess I’m just worried something will happen to them... Like what happened to my own litter. I’m so scared that they’ll get separated or something... That one of them will end up alone... That they’ll all just start going off their separate ways before they’re even old enough to.” Emery would lift his gaze back to Silveris.

“Were you... Thinking of having a family? Wanting one... With me?” The male asked gently, moving to touch noses with his beloved.