
Back to the future

Rune I


5 Years
03-07-2015, 03:59 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The closer it got to the time, the more concerned Rune grew. Was she eating enough? Was she resting enough? Did she feel any changes? Should she be doing something different? Was there anything he could do? Most of his concerns and questions he kept locked away inside his mind, but there they buzzed about incessantly, hitting walls, bouncing into each other, only to come back and hit the walls again. If he managed to ask even a few of them, he had a feeling he was going to get on his pregnant wife's nerves, and carrying a littler of pups all the way into summer was stressful enough.

Rather than become a nuisance, the light grey Guardian chose instead to keep his distance but with a watchful eye on the little white female. He never strayed very far, choosing duties and tasks that tended to keep him within the same vicinity that she chose to keep, and only occasionally venturing further when he thought he might be beginning to give himself away. He was careful about it, but he was glad of the decision when he heard Alamea finally, finally call out for him. There was no hesitation; he bounded off in her direction with full focus on being at her side through this. And this time there would be no stormy, seaside weather to make things anymore difficult than they would already be.

He stopped short beside Alamea, inclining his head toward her where she lay carefully minding her breathing. His nose skimmed over her side, his piercing blue eyes giving her a quick once over before they went to searching her face, his heart beginning to speed in his chest in both anxiety and delight. "Are you okay?" he asked, trying and failing somewhat to keep his deep voice even and calm. "What can I do?" Surely Warja would be there any moment to properly assist in the way only healers could. But he was her mate. He would do anything she asked to help her along this last stretch of her pregnancy.