
the summer swells in

Saga I


3 Years
03-07-2015, 03:05 PM
Though she was used to the warmth of the east, where she'd grown up, she found Secretua lacked the refreshing breeze from the sea. The air here was drier and the sun a bit hotter, and she felt herself panting as she stalked through the tall grass of the prairie. The season of her heat was something unfamiliar to her, something she'd never really experienced and certainly hadn't anticipated. Hell, she didn't even know what was happening to her, or even that she was in heat -- merely that she felt restless and uncomfortable, but instead of facing her problems she was content to wander aimlessly and keep her mind distracted.

The soft voice of Eirik would pull her back to reality, his voice small coming from a decent distance away, though the land was quiet enough to pick it out from the quiet song of insects and birds that surrounded her. Carefully she would redirect her pawsteps, aiming to close the distance between them as she traversed the thick grasses. Only when she felt her nose colliding gently with his right flank did she realize he'd been closer than she anticipated. Sharply, Saga would pull away from him, eyes widening as she swung around to gaze at him more easily. "Sorry," she mumbled softly, surprised at how close he had been, and even more surprised that she had collided with him. "I didn't realize you were so close." She'd been distracted by following the hare, but instantaneously upon hearing Eirik's call she had lost track of it and had no clue where it might've hopped off to.