
I'm too hot make a dragon wanna retire man


03-07-2015, 05:12 PM

The brown and white female instantly felt bad for worrying her mate, not sure herself what had just happened. Although the female was quite sure that it had something to do with the strange stuff that had come again this season. Silveris have her mate a small nod to his question. Her jaws opened to speak and reassure her mate that she was okay, but it seemed that he was already thinking about her next question. Her good eye would attempt to meet his, listening to his words. Her mate had considered the idea, but Silveris noticed that he didn't sound all that happy. Had the brown and white female said something to upset him? Ears flattening in worry, the brown and white female pressed against her mate. She wouldn't voice the fear that made an appearance. Although they were both young, the brown and white female found herself worrying that something would happen to one or both.

At the fact that her mate was scared the pups would leave before they were old enough, Silveris nuzzled her mate. "Leaving earlier can have their good things. If I hadn't left my homeland, Castiel knows what would have happened. And I would have never met you, Emery." It was true. If the brown and white female had never risked leaving, none of the stuff that lead to her meeting her mate would have happened. At his last questions, touching noses with her, Silveris nodded.
