
By Moonlight [pack activity]

Rune I


5 Years
03-07-2015, 05:18 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Rune waited, his icy blue eyes scanning about in expectation of seeing his packmates materialize into being around him within the tall grasses of the Prairie as they wandered into sight for the final activity of their festival. He was eager to see it started, even if it meant their festivities were coming to an end, and squashed his impatience with a clearing of his throat. Any minute now they would start to show up. Any minute now...

To his surprise, it was his typically tardy son who arrived first, looking more as if he had wandered over in his sleep than been fully consciously aware of what he was doing. Through the darkness Rune's gaze was somewhat incredulous, but he said nothing to the bulky kid, only let his gaze wander about in search of the next wolf who was going to arrive to join them. It was quiet there for a bit, hiding the fact that someone stalked closer, and it took Warja's leap and teasing cry to let them know that she was there. She had very obviously startled her brother, a fact which had nearly gotten a laugh out of the Guardian, but Rune could only manage to shake his head. And he had been the one to appoint this little rascal as the pack's Healer.

He let them be for a moment, quietly awaiting others, but soon enough it became obvious no one else was joining them. There was no doubt disappointment as Rune glanced around without seeing another pack member on their way to join them, but he was not by any circumstances going to send up another call. If they were not interested, then he would not bother them with it.

"Looks like you two might be it," he stated matter-of-factly as he trained his blue eyes upon his son and then his daughter. "That is, if you'd still like to participate. I was going to host a game of tag at this hour to make it challenging. Although maybe it's too late for that." A pointed look was directed over at Eirik as he spoke the last words, half expecting his son to let loose another yawn just from the manner in which he had arrived. Though perhaps Warja had done the trick in waking him up fully as she had intended. Unsure what each of them would prefer, Rune merely glanced from one to the other.