
You're Gonna Go Far


06-06-2013, 09:46 PM

The loud rumble was the first thing that Angeal notice in his wanerings. It shook the ground, and then there was a flicker of movement at the edge of his vision. He turned his head slightly and found his gaze settling on something in the distance; water. But it was water that was leaping for the sky, going against everything that he had seen water do before. how strange, The male thought to himself, examining the strange occurrence curiously. Even as he watched, however, it faded, the water falling back to the earth and leaving the colder expanses of this continent as average as they had seemed to be before.

Normally, Angeal wasn't exactly the most curious wolf. He wouldn't die if there was something that he didn't know. But today, it seemed like a good idea to investigate that strange apparition. He wasn't sure why, but who was he to question his instincts? Of course, they had gotten him into a lot of trouble in the past, but the past was the past, right? If he could have lived by that, however, his life would have been much easier than it was.

Twitching his ears slightly to drive off thoughts of his past, Angeal broke into a lope, making his way towards the strange waters, only to realize, as he drew closer, that there was another wolf out there. Did he still want to approach? It took Angeal a moment to decide that he might as well approach despite the other wolf. Ah well. "Greetings!" The male called out as he drew closer, focusing his gaze on the black wolf. Like Angeal and Liste, he had a pretty simple appearance, but his eyes were . . . quite interesting, to say the least. The crimson and silver were a strange combination, but this wolf seemed to pull them off well enough.

Twitching his ears, Angeal examined the other wolf as he waited for a response. How would this wolf react to his appearance?
