
my back has been breaking from this heavy heart

Tiresias I


06-06-2013, 10:29 PM
i'm the lonelier version of you

He wasn't sure how long he'd been walking. By now, it had easily been two days since his brother had left him. Tiresias had been warned not to try to follow his crippled brother, and for Tyberius' sake, he'd just let him go. What use was there in fighting someone who clearly detested the very sight of you? Tiresias didn't feel used, just tired. Lonely too; he'd never spent more than an hour away from his only living relative and now he was faced with never seeing Tyberius again. Tyberius had gone off the deep end recently, fighting tooth and nail to do things that Tiresias wasn't sure he was ready to do... things that he wasn't capable of doing. Tiresias had never let his brother attempt these things and the knowledge weighed on him. That was a major reason why the two had gone their own ways, but surely not the only one. I'd already lost Mother. I wasn't losing Tyberius too, he thought, justifying his actions.

Tiresias shook the thoughts from his mind. Tyberius was long gone, and it was no longer Tiresias' responsibility to take care of him. He was a grown wolf now and (hopefully) could provide for himself like he thought he could. If he succumbed to the bitter cold near the Amenti pack lands, why should Tiresias care? The scarred wolf shut his eyes to the mental image of his brother's lifeless body lying in the snow. He is no longer my problem, he tried to reassure himself. There was still a nagging thought in the back of his mind, He was your brother, your best friend, and you leave him to die?

Tiresias wasn't exactly sure where he was in Alacritis, but it didn't matter to him anymore. Before, he was concerned with keeping out of the various pack's lands, but now he wasn't quite so careful. He'd only done so to spare Tyberius. If he'd ended up on someone else's lands, all they'd have to do would be to tell him to leave and he'd be more than happy to oblige. His orange eyes snapped open and he continued walking. The body of water in front of him was more than enough to persuade his thirsty throat to stop and quench itself. His dark-furred paws brought him to the edge of the water, and he lowered his head, relieving the thirst the cold air had brought him.

Satisfied, he sat on his haunches, giving the scenery around him a bit more attention. Tiresias caught his reflection in the water and just as quickly averted his eyes. For months after the attack, he found it difficult to even lay eyes on himself, disgusted by what he saw. He was used to it now, but he still tended to avoid his image whenever possible.

tag: Natsu ? notes ? credit for lineart: akreon