



2 Years
03-09-2015, 02:48 PM (This post was last modified: 03-09-2015, 02:49 PM by Lavendel.)
At the sound of a soft thud, Lavendel's head whipped around, her green gaze resting on the smaller female. Moving away from the black and white female, the larger wolf moved closer to the other, who seemed to be sitting down. White and violet ears flattening, she got close enough to the female to pin her down. Hesitating a moment, she raced in front of the smaller female, who was sitting down. After catching her breath, Lavendel breathed in, finally speaking. "Who are you? And are you so clumsy that you couldn't jump over whatever you tripped over?" Okay, so maybe the white and violet female was being a little too aggressive already. But with her chances of the other servant probably lost, Lavendel would have to claim this smaller wolf as a servant. A wicked grin appearing on her jaw, she spoke again, words slightly casual and almost friendly. "You made the other possible servant get away. So I think a servant for one lost is a fair deal, yes?" The white and violet female tilted her head, her head lowering so her acid green eyes could meet the smaller female's gaze. Yes, to Lavendel, this deal was a perfect one. Of course, if the other wouldn't agree, the warrior could always try and force claim her. Either way, she would hopefully end up with a servant. The smaller wolf didn't seem like a fighter, but Lavendel continued. "Or, if that isn't a fair deal, I could always force claim you."
[Image: OLHgEa4.png]

--Lavendel can be unpredictable, because she is not really insane, but not sane either. Depending on her mood, she can act insane or sane.--