
I Will Be Strong For My Home.



8 Years
06-06-2013, 11:02 PM

Her answer to his question received a nod. ?I?m Winterborn as well. In a blizzard.? Moss green gaze stared into the pool, not watching the leaves floating by. ?I and my siblings were all lucky to survive in that pack. The Blizzard lasted well into our first months. It was a long winter.? He refrained from going on, instead letting her tell her own story. As her eyes averted, his turned to her as he listened. So that was what had happened to the place he?d come across in his trek to find the mark he?d been assigned? The blackened, burned and torn landscape had certainly not been what the last remaining assassin from the last mark had described. He?d described it as ?Sickeningly lush and beautiful.?. He?d said that prey had been plenty even in winter when the attack had been made.

She glanced at him, almost nervously as she spoke her sire?s name. He knew the name. The male had been alpha until very recently. Where had that loyalty gone? He?d heard that the grey toned male hadn?t been staying with his ill mate when she needed him. He wouldn?t hold her sire too her. After all, look at his own parents. And grandparents. He?d had the family from hell. He let her talk, nodding. He?d had to grow up almost as soon as he could stumble along on stubby puppy paws. He?d been thrown along with his siblings into training for fighting. Puphood was only a heartbeat. One breath and it was gone in that pack. Grow up or die.

He smiled at her last statement, this time not looking away. ?From what I grew up in before I came here? Valhalla is paradise. Your pack loves, no matter how much they may disagree with one another on certain subjects. They are a family. I never knew the meaning of the word before I came here.?