
the summer swells in

Eirik I


3 Years
03-09-2015, 09:26 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

He heard nothing at first, just a silence full of irritating insect noises that did not answer him nor cease so he could hear anything being spoken back to him. A little sigh exited his nose as he glanced about, beginning to doubt that the small wolf he thought was here was actually around. She was so tiny she easily could have flitted away already without him even realizing. And he could have been talking to no one but the insects. It was a sour thought, especially since he held no fondness for the bugs, and it did leave him a little disappointed. He was always happy for his rare moments with Saga, Secretua's teeny Hunter. Losing out on that was a bummer on his day.

A small bit of hope was given to him. A quiet rustle sounded nearby, seemingly in response to his call. His dark tipped ears trained on the noise and the rest of his attention followed, searching for any movements within the grasses to give away the passage of the creature within. They had to be close, right? But where--?

Eirik's ears turned, finally pinpointing the location, but not before the creature in question walked right into him. His hips were jostled by the collision, and he took a quick side step to maintain his footing, turning himself around so that he could face the one who had bumped into him. And grinned when he realized it was none other than the little Hunter herself. His tail began to pick up in a wag, his rosy pink eyes brightening as he looked at her. "Are you okay?" he asked through a gentle chuckle. She had not hit him very hard, but still he felt the need to make sure. "You must have been really focused on your hunt." Or at least that was the only excuse he could think of for her bumping into him: inattention.

It was of no matter in the end, however. He cleared his throat, trying to compose himself again and calm the jittery feeling that was settling over him, and asked as casually as he could, "So how are things?"