
knock knock! (SIEGE)



2 Years
03-10-2015, 07:45 PM

Who am I, I ask?
As I shatter and...
f  a  l  l

Sigmarr followed suit, strengthening his defenses as the lavender-eyed monstrosity  set hers.  Nervous excitement was causing butterflies to climb up his throat but he quickly swallowed them.  He could not allow himself to be distracted.  He had to protect his family at all costs.  Ice blue eyes narrowed as ears pinned tightly back to the top of his head.  His muzzle crinkled as his maw parted, a furious snarl peeling from his body.  Chin moved to tuck as his head and tail shifted to align with his spine.  Powerful shoulders rolled forward, hackles rising down his back as he spread his legs equidistant apart, evenly distributing his weight.  The limbs bent slightly to lower his center of gravity.  Abdomen tensed for the coming assault as his toes splayed, nails biting into the earth.

As Aerndís launched forth to attack so did Sigmarr.  He too, hoped to move straight forward and close the distance between them to begin his own attack.  Sigmarr attempted to move several inches to his own right as he attempted to throw the front of his left shoulder forward into the center of Aern's ventral neck, just above the sternum and into the softer flesh of her trachea.  He sought to crush the windpipe or at least bruise it and make it difficult for her to breath.  His shift to the right caused Aern's shoulder throw to miss and her upper left-sided chest to collide with his center left-sided chest leaving moderate bruising and causing his breathing to hitch.

His shift to the right also threw off her jaw attack, rather than piercing his left eye her upper fangs tore a track from the far corner of his left eye to the base of his left ear, the lower fangs digging into his upper left-sided neck for two inches from the corner of his left jaw leaving him with moderate lacerations but thankfully not held in her grip.  Sigmarr's shift to his right also caused his left forepaw to be moved out of the way of her left paw's attack, which missed.

As the pair met in battle Sigmarr's own attacks continued.  In addition to the earlier shoulder throw the male attempted to twist his neck to his left, his head tilting toward the right as he attempted to seize Aern's throat.  He aimed to land his lower fangs to the right of her upper trachea, just below the corner of her right-sided jaw while his upper fangs sought to rest on the left side of her trachea below her left-sided jaw.  Sigmarr hoped to gain hold and strangle the life out his enemy.  Weight spread evenly to his hind legs and right front leg as he attempted to lift his left forelimb, seeking to bring his left forepaw down on her left forepaw to sprain and maybe fracture some of her toes, though he knew it would be a shot in the dark.  With his head twisted he couldn't quite see what he was doing.

Sigmarr and Sindri vs Aerndís for DEATH  1/3