
This is the time



6 Years
03-11-2015, 01:56 AM (This post was last modified: 03-11-2015, 02:49 AM by Voltage.)
Every Endeavor
I have made ever
Is coming into play
Here and now, Today

I shall gather up my past
and make some sense at last.

It had gone...swimmingly. They had met no resistance, infact they had been met with nothing but silence. It was as if the world had ignored their call, ignored their existance. And for some reason, this brought comfort to Voltage. They needed the security of invisibility, needed to keep their borders secure so that they would all be safe. His family, his precious family. They would all be safe. With borders around a pack, a land to call their own, they were finally able to send wolves away, if the scent borders didn't do so themselves. It would give them the stability they needed in order to grow, to strive, to become the thing he had always thought they would be.

Ever since he had first seen the little bundle of pups laying on the bundle of furs and leaves. He knew they would become something special, and some way..some how, he would help lead them there. Him and Glacier together.

He trotted along the beach, his paws kicking up black sand as they continued to move from the place they had decided to make their call with the little fountain and the little ruins. Glacier was at his side, as he always was, and always would be. It was their job to lead their siblings on into a life of success and strength. Paws would press into the wet black sand as he stared at the horizon in the distance. This was their home now, home...home. He breathed in the gentle salt air, his eyes slowly closing as he continued to trot. It had been so long since they had left their little island, so long and hasn't been that long, has it been?  Well, for Voltage it has. It had been over three years since they had been rejected by their parents, two since they had to leave the island all together with their siblings. But for the has only been a year.

Perhaps they wouldn't fully understand Voltage's joy as he moved along his home. Perhaps they wouldn't understand the way the world lifted off his shoulders, the way his stormy eyes seemed to brighten once more. He even seemed to calm down, his muscles no longer twitching, his tail swaying just slightly. It was only a momentary thing, and he would return to his high energy when Serefina wanted to play, or it was time for fun in the ocean, but for now...he was calmer, enjoying the ocean breeze as the sun began to dip below the horizon. He stared tenderly out at the sky, his toes flexing in the sands before he glanced towards his brother at his side.

It was time.

With a delicate but still boyish toothy grin, he trotted towards his favorite flat rock that settled half out in the ocean. The water lapped against the stone, and he would stare out at the waves as they, too, seemed calm. Too and fro they swayed, washing up against the beach before pulling back towards the horizon once more. It was a perfect day to begin this life here. Slowly he'd turn, inclining his head to motion for Glacier to step up beside him. "Are you ready?" He asked again that day, smiling delicately before he turned to face the dens, tilting his head back to call for his family, sure that Glacier would join in.

This is the moment
when all I've done
when all the dreaming, scheming
and screaming become one
This is the day, see it sparkle and shine
When all I've lived for
Becomes mine

"Burn Baby Burn"