
What's This?


03-11-2015, 10:58 AM

Traveling with her sister had made the journey away from the tribe far less lonely then coming alone. Though for Sunniva she honestly couldn't imagine having to make this journey alone It wasn't that she was weak or anything -- she was capable enough to take this task into her own paws. However if there was one thing the woman was it was family oriented. She loved her sister, her twin, to pieces. Sabine, despite her handicap, was strong, even larger than she, and no less of a wolfess for it. Perhaps that was another reason that Sunniva was so glad to be traveling with her. Sabine, in her eyes, was worth more as a warrior and single being than most for overcoming the "weakness" she had.

Though Sunniva was alone at the moment she knew that Sabine would not be too far away. Close enough that Sunny could find her and vice versa at least. This land, strange and new, was different from the place where her tribe had lived. The wolves here seemed different thus far too. Sunny felt uncertain of them. Not in a way that was afraid, no, but in a way that left her wondering if they could truly be trusted. The woman was focused on a larger task anyway, as she was sure that Sabine was as well. Finding Áki. The older brother they had lost they needed to regain. Their family would not be whole again until they reunited.

For now, the task of the morning was investigating this structure she found along this beach. There were scents coming from it, including Sabine's from fairly recently. Ah, so her sister had already checked the place out? Well, it wouldn't hurt to take a look of her own!

Red eyes would shine as she stepped up onto the old wood that served as a way up to the vessel. She would sniff it cautiously, trying to make sure that it would hold her weight before continuing up to the deck. It was so strange, made of wood and something cold, a bit shiny in spots and in others dull as the earth. What was this thing? Sunniva would swish her poofy tail in thought, sniffing at the dock. This was so peculiar... were there other structures like this throughout the land?

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Art by:: Tealah