
This is the time



6 Years
Extra large
03-11-2015, 03:23 PM

There had been a tense little while after Voltage's call had rung out to the world, where he had stood protectively over his younger brother, waiting for any hint that the world did not want what he and Voltage where about to create. The wait had stretched on, and there had been only silence. He would turn to his brother then, and grin wide and joyfully. From there they would make their way back to their new pack lands and he would stand on the flat rock beside his brother, and he would enjoy the company in silence for a moment, when Voltage asked if he was ready his response would be to lift his head to the world, and he would wait a moment for his brother to prepare himself to do the same before letting loose a strong, powerful call. His deep melodious tones called for their siblings, pack mates and family – there was no difference between the two any more.

The giant rested his bulk against his hunches and towered over his swift, but smaller brother as they waited side by side in perfect harmony for their family to heed the call and come to them. Gale would be the first to arrive and for the first time Glacier would find energy coursing through his eyes veins and as he grinned, and winked at Gale it took an effort to keep his still and calm stance beside his brother, to not jump off the wrong and envelope Gale in a hug, envelop all their siblings in celebration of the day.

"Burn Baby Burn"