
Taste of adventures past



6 Years
Extra large
03-11-2015, 03:58 PM

He would watch with a fond smile as Anais turned back to grab the flowers he had left as a present for her. She would move towards the base of a tree and he would watch in silence as she securly placed them beneath, tucking them a little closer to the tree before she seemed satisfied with her work. The Mountainous brute had stood still, waiting with a calm serenity for her to be ready to head out.

She was ready now, and bounce towards with light, free steps and his eyes would show his pleasure at her happiness with their brilliance silvers. He would step beside her and they would head out, back to his home to the beach he and his brother intended to claim. The walk was a short one, they where almost next door to each other now, and he would enjoy her presence in relative silence until they crossed over onto the beach, then he would give her a light nudge with a massive shoulder. “Alright, I want to show you what Volt and me found” he said with a grin, and headed towards a small cave, ducking inside he would move the short distance to its end, where he and Volt had found an exit at the back of the cave that Glacier himself had then widened. He squeezed his bulk through the gap, shaking his fur out on the other end and peering back to ensure Anais could get through without help - through the gap would seem massive to her.

Then they would move up the small wind that escalated to the top of the small cliff and he would move to the end that peered out over the sea, seating his rump on the edge he would look down at the crashing waved below, before looking up at the darkening sky. It would be sunset soon, and he knew here would be a brilliant spot to watch it set over the ocean.