
The Kid's Aren't Alright


03-11-2015, 05:56 PM

The young man would wait around after his call, hoping for the best. There were the festivities that Rune was throwing, sure, but perhaps one on one meetings would be far better for him to handle. He would breathe in and out slowly, red-violet eyes searching intently for any sign of another. He didn't know the other wolves in the pack enough to have any sort of preference. Einarr would not have to wait too long, honestly, before his gaze would fall on an older boy that approached. He couldn't place a name but he could tell by appearance, and from somewhere in his memory, that this boy was one of Rune's children.

Einarr would manage a small, although forced, smile as Eirik approached. Interacting was something that he just considered hard. Awkward. He would give a small nod, his ear giving an uncertain twitch. "Hey." The boy would lower his gaze for a moment. Okay, yeah, conversation time. "Yeah, I'm Einarr." The boy would lift his gaze to the pink hues of the other male. "Um... You're... Rune's son... right?" The male would frown deeply. "Sorry... I can't remember your name."

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby