
Welcome to the Hotel California :]


06-06-2013, 11:58 PM
Night had fallen faster than a puppy blinking. The sun had decided to make an early trip to bed and gave its shift to the moon. Happy as could be, the moon had shined its brightest once it came to the dark sky above. Basking in the glow of such a beautiful sight was the land of the North. Snow that hadn't been disturbed sparkled like diamonds. Every now and then, one would see the landmarks of different pieces of the vast territory. Glaciers, broken pieces of ice near whatever water supply there was, and a ship frozen in time.
It was around that frozen craft that two wolves, strangers and from different parts of Alacritis, unexpectedly met. After sharing conversations, the female had offered to help him find shelter. Now, they were on their way to find that said place to get away from the cold. Rather for him than her, but she didn't mind going anyway. Eria, who was still new to the lands surrounding Glaciem, was lucky enough to know that a set of caves were nearby. This was where they were headed.
The trip, however long or short in reality, didn't last very long for the pair. Eria had caught wind of the caves, knew of their existance, but she didn't know where they were exactly. However, with her nose and used to being on the alert, she found it. The looming figure of the first mountain she set eyes on seemed to stretch down and want to pick her up. If the mountain had been real, she would have leaped up in a minute! As it stood tall and scary-like, she eagerly walked towards the structure and set her eyes on the base. Its roots were wide and spread a long way, but the break in the side showed the entrance to the caves. Eria looked back at Pontifex, said, "Let's go!" and immediately picked up her speed.
Before either one knew it, they were standing in front of the opening. It was just in time, too, because the wind had started to pick up and clouds were forming in the sky above them. Eria glanced back over her shoulder at the sky, to question the sudden weather change. Her ears flattened and she jerked her head towards the small opening before going in. The sound of the wind increasing in ferocity started to deaden as she went further down, until the ground leveled out. Eria did a one-eighty and waited to see if Pontifex would appear.