
Wake Me Up {Birthing Thread}


03-13-2015, 03:47 AM
{{Ooc:: Setting this up via first post by request of Esperanza}}

The children of their second litter was due any day now. Kar was excited for the birth of the little ones, of their emergence into this world. He would breathe in and out slowly, his green gaze shifting over to his beloved mate every so often. She appeared to be sleeping, and he, like her, was taking his time to rest. It was a summer night, the heat within the area they settled a bit lessened by the source of water present. Thank goodness, Kar thought, for the falls during this time of year. Staying near the water source was certainly a good idea as well, for without water what could survive? The man would breathe out, setting his head upon his paws as he did some thinking.

He had bargained for his daughter's freedom, though in return he and his son were to catch game for those vikings. A task he didn't enjoy, but knowing Mystic was safe made it worth it. The favor he swore too made him worried. He had no choice but to accept the unconditional terms... less he leave the threat not just to himself but to his entire family. No... he wouldn't damn them. He would shift his gaze back to Nalyda. She had grown round with their children, and her words still echoed in his mind about what they had spoken about for names. Honestly the thought made him excited. To have children with his parents name... the cycle would continue. He had yet to tell Yurella either. What would his beloved sister think? Would she approve?

In all Kar felt lighter than he had during the time Mystic was captive. He would close both his eyes, drifting into a light doze.

"Nalyda Speech," "Kar Speech"

Table by:: Keno