
I'm So Sorry



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-13-2015, 06:55 AM (This post was last modified: 03-13-2015, 06:56 AM by Epiphron.)
This was uncomfortably reminiscent of when Arian had arrived on the borders with her birth mother, when she'd learned of her friend Natsu's death, and she'd been asked to take in their daughter. The decision to care for her had been easy, and naturally she had grow to care for her as any of her other children. Her gaze was narrowed as she watched the man speak. His voice betrayed the fear he felt, and her stony gaze would soften as she listened, ears perking.

He couldn't care for this child any more. It was painful for him to admit, she was sure -- and more painful to watch the girl plead with her father to stay. Her brows furrowed in careful consideration, and she nodded slowly. "She can join us," she offered tenderly. Though she was not entirely selfless, as a mother she had a soft spot in her heart for children, and knew how hard this must be for the both of them. "We have a quite capable force here. Certainly someone will jump at the opportunity to be her caretaker." Epiphron couldn't help but think of her daughter, who wanted a girl of her own so badly; who knew if this child would even need parental figures in her life? Perhaps she might just be raised by all of Fiori. The idea wasn't such a bad one. "What's your name, young one?" The female would inquire tenderly as she turned to face the girl, noting that her eyes were brimming with tears.

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