
the summer swells in

Saga I


3 Years
03-13-2015, 09:50 AM
If anyone else had interrupted her hunt, she likely would've been quite frustrated -- and though an instinctive bit of annoyance worked its way into her gut, it quickly faded at seeing Eirik's face. He was easily he only true friend, except for many her siblings, though even they had not come to find her after she'd disappeared from Sawtooth. Would they even still be considered friends? Her gaze was a bit warmer than usual as she examined him, backing up a bit to face him more properly and swinging around closer to his front.

Her quick movements had caught him temporarily off guard, and for a long moment she would will herself to not apologize repeatedly. If there was anyone she didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of, it was Eirik... and perhaps his father too.  "I'm fine," she spoke softly, her voice meek and quiet, as usual. Her gaze was curious as she eyed him, instinctively wondering if she'd done anything wrong. It was still difficult for Saga to realize that he simply enjoyed her company.  "Are you?" Of course he was okay! Silently she scolded herself for asking it so quickly, for it really was a stupid question. Briefly her gaze would drop to her forepaws, feeling a bit sheepish suddenly. On the inside, she was a whirlwind of emotions, so usual of her... and yet her demeanor was usually cold and sharp, calculating and withdrawn. Only now would some of her anxiety seep through, her gaze darting down and to the side to avoid contact with his own, though quickly she would return to assessing him silently.

"I was," Saga agreed softly. "I was chasing a hare. A big, fat one." The tiniest of smiles would tug at the corners of her lips, her jaws briefly unhinging as she felt her tongue lapping at her lips quickly. Perhaps he might want to hunt with her? An afternoon meal sounded quite nice.

"Fine," she agreed shortly. What sort of things did he mean? Life was as usual, though a bit too hot for her taste. Here, there wasn't the welcome respite of the ocean to retreat to in such extreme temperatures. Did he mean her hunt? That had been ruined, but she'd much rather spend time with him than alone. And yet she found herself at a loss for words -- another completely unsurprising aspect of Saga's personality. "How are things with you, Eirik?"