
I'm So Sorry


03-13-2015, 11:33 AM
His heart truly broke for his daughter, for the little one he had come to love so. She was truly a child of his flesh and spirit, a being who deserved a life far better than the one she had thus far. Ritsuka would breathe out softly, giving her a loving kiss on the forehead as the woman addressed him. The man thanked the gods mentally, over and over. The woman's words were gentle, tender. Someone would care for his daughter, she would be safe. She would be allowed to grow up and be an adult. Suka would dip his head gratefully to the alphess, feeling tears threatening to form in his own eyes. He would not allow it, however, and forced himself to be strong for his little girl. Seeing her father cry as he left would do her no good at all.

"Shh my little one." Ritsuka would whisper to her. He would kiss her head again. "Someday... I promise we'll meet again. But right now you need to stay here in Fiori, okay? Be strong." The man would look back to the woman. To linger would just make things harder for them all. He would give a nod to the alphess. "Thank You, alphess of Fiori. I won't forget this kindness." The man would turn away, glancing just once more at his daughter before he took his leave.

-Exit Ritsuka.-
