
I'm So Sorry



7 Years
03-13-2015, 12:36 PM

She had heard the cry, the sound of the girl screaming had touched her ears as well as her heart. Raising to her paws she quickly ran towards the sound, coming just in time to see a tan man leave the area. Blue eyes lingered on the small girl, catching the tail end of her words. She looked over to her mother for a moment, and it almost broke her heart to see that tenderness in Pip's eyes again. She had always had a soft spot for puppies, something that Amalia had as well. Slow paw steps brought her closer to the girl, little rabbit tail wiggling behind her. Ama leaned against her mother for a moment before she plopped her small form on the earth, head lowering to the ground to bring her close to the little one. She was sure to still leave some space between them, just in case the poor dear was frightened. Seeing the tears in her green eyes wanted to make her rush up and hold her close, but she knew that it wouldn't be wise. "We are all very nice wolves, my dear. I am sure that you will love it here!" Amalia's voice was level and calm, even though on the inside her tender heart was melting for the girl. Glancing back at Epiphron, a single brow rose toward her Alpha mother. She had arrived late, and hadn't caught the reasoning for the little one being left behind. But the poor dear was obviously under fed and in need of some herbs. Looking back at the pretty little girl, her smile grew on her face. "Would you like to come with me? I can show you around, and I have some pretty tasty things for you to eat if you like. And you can meet my sons, and all the others that stay here!" Her excitement was building, and she just wanted to hoard this little princess all for herself.