
Welcome to the Hotel California :]

Pontifex I


06-07-2013, 12:28 AM

The north was surely a much more magical place than the south, especially during the winter. Ivory snow dotted the landscape, shimmering iridescently in the now moon-light. Pontifex had never thought that a place could hold such beauty, but he was prove wrong. The landscape was quiet, not even the chirp of the occasional cricket to be heard. The temperature was beginning to drop significantly; the knight could feel the chill creep along the pads of his paws. He wasn't worried though, Eria was sure to find a place for them to bed down soon enough.

His prediction wasn't wrong. Giant looking mountains loomed in the distance and the sight of them his female companion sped her pace, urging him to follow suit. Pontifex complied easily enough, his gentle walk easing into an easy lope as he followed Eria to the face of the mountain. His golden gaze spotted a break in the seemingly impenetrable rock. An entrance. Eria spotted it easily enough, calling him to follow her and he did, the pair crossing the threshold of the caves. It was pitch black and it took his eyes a moment to adjust to the darkness before he was able to see more clearly. It appeared that they had made to their shelter in the nick of time because suddenly the weather outside began acting up.

Where it was once quiet, the wind began picking up speed quickly, howling to announce its presence. Uncaring of the world outside the caves, Pontifex continued on, following the click of Eria's nails as she moved farther down into the caves before turning back towards him to make sure he'd followed her in. He was a few steps behind her as he stopped, keeping a respectable distance as he threw a glance back at the entrance as the weather began to worse. Think that's a storm? he questioned his companion, nearly certain in suspicion.

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