
knock knock! (SIEGE)


03-13-2015, 02:32 PM

He watched with a calm demeanor as the defending pack slowly trickled in, most standing about as though uncertain of what to do instead of leaping forth in a valiant defense of their home and pack. This, then, was what you got when you brought together a band of cutthroats and bandits - a barely cohesive group who would much rather hold back and see if the leader would make it worth their while before they moved to defend. Only a single warrior strode forth to meet them, and Bjorn tensed, ready to propel himself into a battle, but one of the young Xanilovs exchanged tense words with her... ah, this was the proclaimed enemy of the Xanilovs. That battle was a personal one, and not one Bjorn need worry himself about. The battered young warrior male would undoubtedly not thank him for sticking his nose into that. Instead he turned pale lavender eyes to surveying the assembled horde of the.... so-called mighty Arcanum. Or apparently not, as a young wolf slunk forth from the group to exchange words with Kassander Xanilov and declaring the pack to be called... Savri-something or other. Likely story. Can't run a con on a con man sweetie, he growled to himself. He'd be greatly surprised to find that this had been a thing for more than a few minutes before she spoke to Kassander - the faint expression of disconcerted surprise on the purple-eyed white yearling said that at least one member of this "pack" hadn't been informed. Snorting softly under his breath the ghostly giant sought to circle the group, his eyes fixing on a blue-eyed brown bitch. She seemed the most likely to give him a good challenge, what with the competent way she held herself compared to the rest of these bandits... The question was if young Kassander would fall the queen bitch's little con... Ah, it seemed he was surprisingly steadfast in his resolve despite his initial confusion.

Bjorn showed his fangs briefly in irritation at her taunt, claiming the wolves at Xanilov's back to be less than eager to fight. What did she know? Her wolves hadn't even attacked them when they passed the border, save for the Aerndis bitch. Not even this so-called queen had tried to attack. She'd just talked. And to threaten the Xanilovs? He refrained from laughing out loud. The Xanilovs had survived a greater threat than this paltry horde of lowlifes and had not only survived but rebuilt a pack here. Did she really think they would go to war if they were not prepared to face the risks? A wolf born of the Ebony Empire was no pushover, and despite this Xanilov boy's shy exterior Bjorn had seen a fire in him to nearly match Birna's. Didn't trust her wolves to put on a good show, did she? Was fighting the Xanilov king one on one the only way she had of winning this?

And what was that, then? The lanky form of a wide-eyed male pup caught Bjorn's gaze as he attempted to move toward the brown-coated female. A would-be messenger, ready to sneak from the field of battle as soon as his young leader gave the order? Bjorn didn't know enough about this pack to know if they had allies, but he would not take the risk. Besides, the boy's coloration matched the lead bitch's closely enough that they were undoubtedly related, and it would serve Bjorn's purposes well enough to destroy any possibility of this fool idea of an honorable duel between the two leaders. He'd come for a fight, not to sit and watch one. The theorized messenger was no more than a child despite his height - the young king of Ebony would doubtless not have the stomach to put an end to the child's escapades, let alone the ruthlessness to prevent any future ones, and so Bjorn would spare the naive Xanilov scion the need to make such a decision. Let him keep his innocence that much longer; he'd know the horrors of the war he'd created soon enough. Bjorn could be ruthless enough for them both. Shock these Arcanum wolves into taking action.


His long stride ate up the ground as he bounded forward suddenly, attempting to close the distance between himself and Aster, aiming to come at him from directly behind the leggy boy. As he moved he settled his defenses in place. His weight shifted constantly, distributing evenly among his limbs so as each paw struck the ground it bore the brunt of his weight that the others may lift and move without disrupting his balance. His legs were slightly bent to lower his center of gravity, his joints loose for freedom of movement. His toes were spread as the touched down for increased traction, and the dull claws dug into the ground with each step for a better grip to propel himself. His shoulders were rolled forward in an effort to bunch up the skin and fat of his scruff to protect his vital spots there, his chin tucked to protect his throat. Though his head bobbed slightly with each bounding movement, it was held generally level with his spine, as was his tail as it streamed behind him to better balance him. His pale hackles were raised, and his ears pressed back, the tips mingling into his neck fur as he sought to minimize them as a target, and his eyes narrowed to protect them. The skin of his face crinkled in a snarl, forcing the loose skin there into ridges to provide additional protection for his delicate eyes.

His back rounded as he brought his hindquarters under him, shifting the weight to his hind legs as he prepared himself to leap and then he attempted to vault forward, seeking to bring his weight crashing down atop the boy from behind, the bottom of his chest aimed for the top of Aster's hips and he tried to bring his greater weight down hard enough to bruise the area around the vertebrae there though he knew that an impact hard enough to bruise the boy would bruise his chest as well. As he did, Bjorn's forelimbs sought to hook around Aster's waist immediately in front of Aster's hindlegs - his left forelimb on Aster's left side, his right forelimb on Aster's right side - in an attempt to hold him in place. Simultaneously his head would seek to dart forward, his jaws parted as his teeth aimed to grasp on either side of Aster's spine halfway between skull and shoulders - his lower jaw aimed for the left side of Aster's neck and his upper canines aiming for the right side - in an attempt to clamp down hard enough sever the spinal cord. It was, ultimately, the boy's eyes he wished to take, but if he could paralyze him even temporarily it would, of course, make that a bit easier to accomplish.

BJORN vs ASTER for MAIM (complete blinding)
Round 1/?