
knock knock! (SIEGE)

SkaĆ°i I


3 Years
Extra large
03-13-2015, 07:31 PM

It began.
Skadi zeroed in on the boy king. Dibs.

Kicking forward in a spray of grit, Skadi rushed forward in an attempt to close the distance between herself and Kassander rapidly. She aimed to come at him head on but off center; seeking to line the front of her left shoulder up with the center of Kass' chest. As she moved her defenses fell into place. Her eyes narrowed to slits, her muzzle wrinkled and her brow furrowed, effectively bunching and loosening the skin around her eyes in an effort to protect them from harm. Ears fell back to press firmly into her crown. Skadi's hackles rose to protect her spine. Behind her, her tail lifted to become level with her spine in the hopes of bettering her balance. Her stance widened and her knees bent slightly as her toes spread and nails dug into the earth. Taunt from top to toe, Skadi completed her defenses by rolling her shoulders forward and tucking her chin.

Seeking to use the bony front of her left shoulder as a lance, Skadi jutted it further forward in the hopes of driving it into the exact center of her opponent's windpipe (equal from side to side, top to bottom). She sought to crush, hoping to irreversibly cave the rings of cartilage that ushered air to and from his lungs in the hopes that he would suffocate. What was a siege without casualties?

Boring, that's what.

Simultaneously her left forepaw rose and snaked inwards towards her right forepaw. She sought to slam it down on her opponent's left forepaw in the hopes of dealing irreparable damage to it. As she did so Skadi's weight redistributed to right her compromised balance. Her remaining three paws glued themselves to the ground, toes splayed and nails digging into the earth in the hopes of rooting her in place.

To complete her attack, Skadi snaked her head to her left as she attempted to lean in for a bite. She intended to sink her upper teeth into her opponent's left eye while hooking her lower teeth into the skin just below his cheekbone and driving upwards; a move that would not only blind the eye but mutilate the face.

Round ONE of TWO

"Speaking" -- Thinking