
Criss cross apple sauce

Marina I


7 Years
03-13-2015, 07:32 PM

The island was nice, but at the same time Rainbow knew it could not forever be a home. Still, with Fenris back in her life the beast felt a bit at ease. The loss of Lydovne still weighed heavily on her mind, eating at her conscious. She would breathe in, each step within the squealshy mud ringing in her ears. It was a sound that was, honestly, a bit annoying, but she was dealing with it to the best of her ability. She felt frustration bubbling under the surface, a strong desire to both actively do something and yet, at the same time, all she wanted to do was get back to the island with Fen and play with him. He was an amazing man, so loving. She missed his touch already.

The female would stop, a scent caught in her nose. The scent was of another female. Close. Perhaps she would have some idea how to get out of this god forsaken swamp. Right now that was her primary concern, rather than getting into a fight where she could very well get drowned in this stupid mud. It wouldn't surprise her, honestly, if it sucked her into the earth. Rainbow would stalk forth, purposely searching for the female. But what she saw, well surprised her.

This had to be the most unique female she had seen next to Dione. In some ways moreso, certainly. Rainbow would breathe as she looked at the hind end of this female, for a moment hesitating to even speak. Then she would open her mouth, head tilting to the side as the words struggled to leave her. "Excuse me... Could I trouble you for a moment?"

Table by:: Tea

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]