
I'm Not Gonna Write You a Love Song



06-07-2013, 12:36 AM

His big body padded up behind her, and for the slightest moment she thought she saw him hesitate. Would he throw her into the water? Probably not, but she almost wished he had. She could do with another warming up session.. There was a time and place for everything and the time now was breakfast time. She was enjoying her first date, and it would just get that much better when it was time to eat. He exuberantly nipped at her swaying tail, she let her furry tail bump into his muzzle as he pulled away. A playful smile sitting on her lips.
She was quick in responding to his cautionary tales. She wasn't up for being splashed. Her dainty feet carried her back toward the forest line. She didn't stray too far, an invisible rope caused her to stay close to the onyx beast. She paced with anticipation as he waited for the first fish to fall in his trap. His look of concentration was admirable. He was ready to catch some fish. Song couldn't help but find herself staring at his well toned body.
It was much easier to see his muscle definition while the sunlight hit his pelt. He was close to full grown, but Song would have bet he'd get a bit bigger before he reached his prime years. Unlike her, Song had quit growing almost a year ago. Sometimes she worried about her size, but maybe she wouldn't have to so much if she had an ebony body guard to back her up.
