
Wake Me Up {Birthing Thread}


03-13-2015, 07:46 PM

His mate would stir, and she would give him a gentle nod before both her eyes and his would turn towards her rounded belly. The pups had to be growing well, big as she was. The man prayed that all of them would be healthy, and that no complications would become present in the birthing. The man would smile warmly, the thoughts of new children coming into the world making him happy. "I wonder as well... though I know they'll be so loved." Kar would lean closer to her, licking her ear. "...and their older sister is back. I still wonder where Ammy has gotten to... but... somehow I feel she's safe. She'll return to us." The male would look outside, to the sky. The birds were already calling.

"Is it me, or does Naoise seem a bit different around Mystic now? He seems so happy to have her back... It's wonderful to see." Kar found his eyes shining. "All of them getting along... It is all that I have wanted as their father, you know?" Kar would ask softly. "So... what's your bet this time? More girls or boys?" Emerald orbs would shift to her, a chuckle leaving his lips.

"Nalyda Speech," "Kar Speech"

Table by:: Keno