
it takes two to whisper quietly



13+ Years

Treat 2019
03-13-2015, 10:58 PM

Turned out that the sunset was not exactly what she'd be distracted with as another form slipped through the grass and up to the large boulder. Rhythm's jaws would fall open slightly as she realized who it was that sought her presence, though she had to resist the urge to move away from the edge of the boulder. The question that was brought made the girl want to pull her ears to her skull, she felt weak enough she knew it wouldn't take Cascade but a few words to beat her fully into submission. "It was a gift," she'd answer when the other woman let her speech grow quiet. She had doubts that she'd get away with saying that Valen was welcome in her den, though even as she thought of how it could be construed brought a flush to her cheeks. She was completely over the whole being in heat thing, the sexual thoughts were to much.

"I am, thank you for asking." Her voice was soft, she'd yet to recover from her nightmare or the longing thoughts of her family. "I'm comfortable, but doubt you could get what I would ask for." Rhythm didn't want to dislike Cascade, but every time the woman looked at her she felt like a pawn in the woman's game. She couldn't trust her as far as she could throw her, and wondered if she'd ever warm up to the woman. Wondered if she even wanted to. She'd grow quiet though, she wanted to question the she wolf about everything. Why she found her way to her now, why she even wanted her here to begin with.

Cascade was the catalyst that destroyed the relationship with her sister, and she really should have hated the woman. She again felt the need to cry at the situation brought back to her mind, but she couldn't help but think Cascade would get some sort of satisfaction at her tears. Averting her gaze as best she could Rhythm would take in a deep breath and rid herself of the wetness of her eyes.


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