
Tea Plotter



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
03-14-2015, 08:20 AM (This post was last modified: 06-29-2016, 04:13 PM by Tealah.)
Tea Plotter

For all your Tea-plotting needs!
(If someone's info is not filled out but you're interested in plotting with them, ask anyway, I may be open to it! Crossed out means they're closed to plots for now. I generally take a "thread them and see what happens" approach rather than definitive plotting so feel free to make a thread and toss it here for me rather than ask if you're just interested in threading them.)

To be updated later - see second post

Asali Duma
| Female | 2yrs | Loner | Neutral |
*37" tall
*dark, honey brown fur
*lighter gradient markings around paws, belly, eyes, throat, and bottom of tail with the lightest markings under her eyes, on her toes, and the tip of her tail
*king mutation - has splotches instead of spots, and spikey "mohawk" down the back of her neck and shoulders
*light blue eyes
*Sassy and sarcastic
Looking for: friends, acquaintances, enemies, sass-rivals
Not looking for: lovers (not really into the interspecies thing)

[Image: c4abf16d-41b8-4c4f-ab04-e89f22a4558e_zpsztnb7oow.png]
Atreides Armada
| Male | 2 years | Imperium | Lawful Neutral |
*36" tall
*steel gray
*white mask, stockings, and ears
*tan on bridge of nose
*white edging cheeks, chest, elbows, back of neck, and tail
*white swirling along his back
*green eyes
*laughs easily
*generally lazy
*making his own religion, like a boss
Looking for: friends, acquaintances, enemies, adventures, devotees for his fantastic Armada-based religion, people to annoy with his fantastic Armada-based religion
Not looking for: lovers, kidnappers (they'll be losing a paw if they try it), a new family (doing just fine thanks), or a new pack

[Image: 790cca6f-de33-42c7-963e-b25ab886ddd6_zpscm4rn5ck.png]
Cascade Saxe
| Female | 3 years | Imperium | Neutral |
*slim, saluki-like build
*face, body thin, feminine and seemingly delicate
*black fur
*white on left ear, left eye, right hind paw
*each fur banded in silver, gives illusion of purple sheen over the fur in sunlight
*complete heterochromia: right eye yellow, left eye purple
*currently Et Uxor of Imperium
*fascinated by those of an evil inclination
*intensely loyal to Valen and her kids
*not inclined to accept authority except from Valen (and still likely to sass him)
Looking for: slaves, friends, enemies, rivals, most other plots
Not looking for: a mate

Chaos Saxe
| Male | 6 months-ish | Imperium | Chaotic Neutral |
Looking for: most plots
Not looking for: a mate

[Image: 29757a56-6b94-4c09-a52a-5ede297fe132_zps8fqn9z32.png]
Evangeline Imperius
| Female | 1 year | Imperium | Chaotic Neutral |
*rich slate color
*ebony markings (muzzle, dorsal stripe, tail tip, paws, front edge of hips, elbows, front edge of shoulders, dots under eyes)
*gold eyes
*silver banding on each hair gives impression of ebony being violet, slate lighter in certain lights
*drama queen
*daddy's girl
*clingy, needy
*self centered
*dude if you don't understand yet that she's a bitch...
Looking for: fairly open to plots
Not looking for: she's very young so not looking for anything sexual at all (and if you insist on trying just remember she's got a very large and protective daddy and a mommy that has no problem with murder)

Harmony Destruction
| Female | 4 years | Abaven | Lawful Good |
*30" tall
*white with tan
*one eye blue, one eye yellow
*black geometric markings under eyes and black blaze
*not a fan of conflict
*has a chronic debilitating disease that has basically crippled her, but hasn't told anyone yet
Looking for: most plots
Not looking for:

[Image: b07db530-ccd5-4487-aa5d-cafb7f825dc4_zpsphifkmwd.png]
Hati Hroovitnisson
| Male | 5 years | Loner | Neutral Evil |
-heavily built
-pure black
-gold eyes
- scar over left eye, left ear shredded, scar over bridge of nose
-wears a bear's skull
-obsessed with Valentine
-crazy (hallucinates dead people pretty much all the time)
Looking for: enemies, rivals, people to annoy him
Not looking for: love interests, anything nice-nice, new pack

[Image: 23d2948a-247e-4c66-9afe-9981d34694d4_zpswzsz2v5u.png]
Kassander Xanilov
| Male | 2 years | Yfir | Lawful Good |
*auburn fur
*white mask, paws, ear tips, tail, and back
*grey tail tip, under eyes
*one blue eye, one yellow
*has two companions: a red fox named Rommel, and a mouse lemur named Remy
*shy, withdrawn, quiet
Looking for: friends, allies, enemies
Not looking for:

[Image: 4b957292-987f-4ef2-86cb-6a37398ad2dd_zpsbtqlsiwf.png]
Katja Finnvi
| Female | 5 years | Yfir | Lawful Neutral |
*dark grey body with silver ticking
*jet mask, legs, striped tail
*mercury eyes
*Alpha of Yfir
*dedicated to her religion
*a viking yo
Looking for: rivals, slaves, buyers, enemies
Not looking for: love interests

Leto Aeris
| Female | pup | Loner | Chaotic Neutral |
*29" (as an adult)
*mostly black
*crazy swirly nebula colored markings
*star markings
*red eyes
*somewhat immoral
Looking for: most plots
Not looking for: love plots

Link Albrecht
| Male | 1 year | Loner | Lawful Good |
*30" tall
*German Shepherd Dog
*"medium" red sable
*black saddle markings, black on face
*faded blue eyes
*cream on chest and underbelly
*loves pups
Looking for: most plots
Not looking for:

Mikkal Jarvela
| Male | 1 year | Loner | Neutral Good |
*40" tall
*dark gray with timber markings
*lighter grey mask/underbelly
*dark reddish markings under eyes, on the back of his neck, and a single wide band on his left wrist
-glacial blue eyes
*reindeer herder
*Aki/Sunniva/Sabine's cousin
*speaks mostly Finnish with broken English and some Norwegian, Swedish, and Russian
Looking for: most plots
Not looking for: packs

Tórnach Branán Adravendi
| Male | yearling | Loner | Lawful Good |
*various shades of gray
*black saddle marking, mask
*silvery-white markings on chin and paws, fading up his legs on a gradient into gray at his belly
*sapphire-blue eyes
Looking for: adventure, teachers, friends (around his age especially), rivals
Not looking for: lovers (far too young!), love interests (still too young)

Wraith Diamachi
| Male | 1 year | Loner | Neutral|
*36" tall
*granite with lighter gray markings on back and paws, silver ticking and silver markings on nose and ears
*red eyes
*extremely loyal
*has dry, subtle, and slightly morbid sense of humor
*very protective and caring of the Diamachi
Looking for: most plots
Not looking for: packs