
I hope your apple pie was freaking worth it

Absinthe 1

03-14-2015, 02:59 PM

and it's our time now if you want it to be, maul the world like a carnival bear set free

ooc. mayhaps pip or somebody soon?

Bacchus was so big, that her own meager size was glaringly obvious. What a pathetic and ugly thing she was, in her own head at this time. Small and sniveling, with her features stained by ivory. She was in a bad place, mentally, now that her mamas were gone. They must not have loved her enough, she must be broken somehow. Yes, that must be it. There was something wrong with her, to make her mommies want to abandon her so. The soft rumble of her friends voice offered aid, dragging her towards somewhere safe in her brain. Bacchus had two mommies too? How awesome! They must be destined to be friends. A soft sniffle wracked her entire frail body, and she tried to find it in her to smile. It was a weak smile, trembling and threatening to crack again. "Really?" She asked softly, hope flaring in her mismatched eyes. That would be nice, to have mommies again. She already found herself missing that, the love of her parents. It had been a while, and her mommies had been very distant before the whole.... coldness.

The warmth of her friend was so welcome, the lavender girl felt starved of all love and touch. It was a relief, to be here with Bacchus. His nose brushed against her cheek, and she let her lashes flutter towards her cheeks. It was okay for now, she was safe here, with her friend. When he offered that she might stay there, she found herself startled. Here? With him? That would be very nice indeed. This mangrove was very pretty, and living here would be a wonderful thing for sure! She smiled weakly again, nodding her head a little. "I like that idea." She agreed quietly, pressing her cheek against his shoulder again. How odd these two must look, just sitting here like this. It didn't matter to the violet babe, she'd been living under the title of odd for her entire life. Her brows suddenly furrowed, knitting together with a sudden expression of worry. "Is that okay?" She asked suddenly, searching his crimson eyes. "If I stay here?" She added, simply to clarify. If she wasn't allowed to stay here, it would be sad, but she could always visit Bacchus, right? She had nowhere else to go, but that was something she could figure out on her own, eventually.

sometimes I just wanna sit around and gaze at my shoes


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!