
After The Storm



3 Years
Extra large
03-14-2015, 03:37 PM
In all honesty he hadn't expected any of the events that followed their earlier words, he'd never anticipated his own or Mercy's reaction. At first he had no idea what he was doing, but he'd learned enough in his healing lessons to have a really good guess. His body was on fire, and everywhere Mercy touched he felt another wave renew the passionate feelings. His breathing was becoming heavy, his heart raced in his chest as she pushed against him. He'd cause her lips to utter a needy moan as she offered up her neck to him. His tongue would rasp over her previous injury before he'd find himself gripping her with his own teeth. The need to draw her blood was real, but even as the pressure built up behind his bite he couldn't bring himself to harm her.

He catch her bright purple stare before she brought her muzzle to caress his ear. She'd cause a deep shiver to run down the length of his body as she uttered those three words. His brain tried to wrap itself around the question even as he pushed closer to her elegant form. She would barely hesitate as she continued down his neck. He didn't know how to answer. He didn't know if it was wrong, it certainly did not feel wrong. His body was eager, and very much ready to continue, but her words would slow him. Was this wrong? "It doesn't feel like it." He'd whisper back to her as he trailed his kisses further up her neck and to her ears, not missing the way her tail curled over her back. He silently thanked Ellis for the lessons she'd offered him. He knew in theory what he was supposed to do next, but the execution was a different story. Did Mercy even want him to follow through? Judging from the way she nipped down his neck she was as ready as he found himself. Holding back was getting difficult.

He'd find himself again trailing kisses and nibbles all down her neck, though he couldn't stop as he reached her shoulders. The boy continued down her spine, his movements soft, slow, and tender. Revenge wanted her, and as he grew more near her hips the pressure exerted by his teeth would increase until he thought he tasted blood on her rump. His side was pressed against her own as his features became obscured by the bright white fluff of her tail. He didn't stop his eager grooming as he ventured past her tail, salmon tongue would lavish her most sensitive piece with affections. Though even as he tasted her he knew he wanted more, "Should I stop?" He'd whisper as he looked back over the gentle slope of her back, he didn't want to ever stop. But all she needed to do was tell him to and he would desist.