
Threat Check



7 Years
Dire wolf
03-14-2015, 03:46 PM

"Speech" thoughts actions

ooc. couldn't resist! Hover over speech for translation :)

The woman rather enjoyed all of this wandering and exploring. Her brothers whereabouts were known to her, so she worried much less for his safety. Ria was recovering very well, and she was happy about that. The south was a place her brother had wandered in search of her, earlier in their misadventure. This place in particular was quite enjoyable, and she lounged by the river contentedly. Celestial pelt shone, cleaned recently with lavish and attention. Lately she had put thought to the possibility of packs in the area, but nothing else. Maybe it would be smart to visit some, and enquire as to the land itself. Maybe there was something to be learned about these lands, some useful information that could be gleaned from the leaders of the tribes around here. A lazy breeze caught the tresses of her thinned pelt, offering some relief from the blazing heat of the sun overhead. She sighed, mammoth form entirely lax upon the soft terra. What could be better than this? With a stronger tendril of cool air came a scent, strange and yet interesting. Male, with the underlying aroma of many others. Maybe this day could be better.

The cosmic goliath would rise to her immense paws, coiled muscles stretching languidly. Jaws would part in a massive yawn, before she shook out her coat and followed the intriguing scent. She would move at a casual pace, though the ground all but quivered with each stride. It wasn't long before she spotted the stranger, a simple grey form upon the verdant backdrop. The natives truly were bland creatures. Crown held high and stance unassuming, she would approach. Maybe today would be the day she met another who spoke her own tongue. Without a doubt in her mind, she was beyond lousy at speaking the common tongue. Couldn't even string a sentence together. It was growing mightily irritating. "Zdravo tamu." Husky lyrics would drawl as she slowed to a stop near the male. His pelt was like granite, though he bore markings more akin to coal. Interesting, but still lacking somewhat.

Amethyst eyes would seek to hold the icy pools of the other, wondering what his response might be. Others enquired as to her godly status, which was both flattering and annoying. Though she was vain, being called a deity could simply be a result of her immense frame. Her lineage was ancient, indeed, uncorrupted. Here, she looked to be something from the stars. In her home, that was trivial, not nearly as important as it was in these lands. She waited silently, lowering her crown in the slightest to regard the expression of the strange man. He held himself in a way that spoke of status, it was evident in the lines of his shoulders and the tilt of his head. The galactic titan was raised a mere commoner, but had grown quite haughty in her time here. She was ever curious, to see how he might take her appearance. Would he attack, feeling threatened by the overwhelmingly alien form she possessed? Or fall to his knees in awe, as so many had? Kohl rimmed optics remained guarded, observant.