
These voices won't let you leave


03-14-2015, 06:48 PM
Destruction would frown deeply as Arian spoke, truly hoping that the girl’s phatnoms would truly leave her with time. She worried for the girl, truly, deeply, but felt horrible that she couldn’t do more to help her. The younger girl was in a horrible place, truly, and the woman wans’t sure what else she could do for her, if anything. Des would give a heavy sigh, lifting her large head in the direction of the mangrove. Seeing Epiphron again... Wouldn’t that be interesting? The woman who once ruled Seracia... But there was no mention of her husband. Was Maverick even still around?

The female would give a small nod, looking back to the brown girl. She would gently try to touch her with her nose again, offering a small smile. “Then let me take you back there. Let’s get this train of healing back on track.” Destruction would close her single orb for a moment. “l know life has dealt you a shitty hand Arian, but I am certain you can overcome it. You have a strong spirit, to withstand being broken completely. You are still here. You can face these doubts, these fears, these demons and overcome them.” The woman would open her eyes again.

“I believe in you Arian. I always have. You are a good person. Nothing will ever change that.”