
Welcome to the Hotel California :]


06-07-2013, 01:23 AM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2013, 01:23 AM by Eria.)
The answer to Pontifex's question was given before Eria could respond. Howling like that of a wounded wildcat came to life outside. The sound effects of the wind's harsh speed and efforts to get inside the crack in the mountain were enough to make Eria nod and say, "Yup." Her light ocean blue eyes watched the sliver of wintery white that could be seen from the entrance and she took a deep breath in and exhaled. "Well, I'm glad that we got out of that in time." She smiled to Pontifex, with eyes twinkling, before she turned to face the welcoming safety of the inside of the mountain. "Let's go spalunking!" She yelped, joyful tones ringing up and around them in various echoes.
From where the two wolves stood, the ground was evenly leveled. Eria made sure to watch her step as she led the way deeper into the cave. She wasn't positive as to how the inside of the mountain would be, but she hoped they didn't come across anything surprising. Eria wasn't a big fan of them, but she dealt with them whenever one popped up. "I hope we find interesting things in here," she said to Pontifex as they walked together. Her eyes roved around the ceiling of the cave and saw that it went low and then rose higher until she couldn't see it.

ooc: ugh. Sorry it sucks. ><