
Aislinn vs Chione

The Judge


03-14-2015, 07:49 PM



5 for clarity:
-2 “Her head snapped to her left, chin tucking slightly as jaws parted. In a swift movement, she would attempt to sink her upper teeth in the space between Chione's eyes (closer to her left eye) and her lower teeth in the centre Chione's left cheek.” If they're head on, how can she tip her head to her left and still bite the left side of Chione's face?
-1 “She began with a smooth charge, attempting to close the distance in as few strides as possible.“  How is she coming at Chione? Is she head on? At an angle? You need to specify
-1 “attempting to drive it into the centre of Chione's chest...” what part of her shoulder is she using?
-1 “Aislinn's right foreleg would tightly wrap around Chione's left foreleg” What part of her foreleg is she trying to use?  
7 for powerplaying.
-1 “After traveling half the distance...” That's assuming Chione doesn't move
-2 “Aislinn's right foreleg would tightly wrap around Chione's left foreleg...” This should have been attempted
10 for defenses. +1 for each seen to max of 10
3 for attack.
+3 for bite
+0 for leg swipe; this move strikes me as unrealistic. I just don't think that move is possible for a wolf.
10 for injuries.First round

Aislinn's round one total: 35/50

0 for clarity:
-3 “Chione tried her best to move away from that side (pulling her right shoulder backwards), though the two still made a hit.” More specifics are needed here! How does moving her right shoulder save the center of her chest? What kind of damage is done and where?
-1 “The bite was successful” How was it successful? What kind of damage was done?
-1 “turning her head away from Aislinn's head” This needs to be attempted since Aislinn has a grip on her face.
-2 “Chione pushed into her opponent as Aislinn went for a bite” What is she trying to push with and what is she trying to push?
-2 Chione would then try to lunge her face forward, turning her head away from Aislinn's head (to the right since Aislinn is on the left), and spreading her jaws to try to grab onto both sides of her windpipe/throat area just under her jaw bones (top teeth would be on Aislinn's left side, bottom on the right.) This is very confusing. Even though everything is there, I had to read it several times to understand what was happening.
-1 “...try to to push her pawpads and as much power as she could into Aislinn's chest” Where on her chest?
8 for powerplaying.
-1 “Chione pushed into her opponent...” This needs to be attempted.
-1 “If she couldn't couldn't get her paws to do so, she bent her front legs and kept them lifted from the ground...” This sounds like an 'if this, then that'. Even though it's not 'if this attack, then this one' it's still assuming that the opponent doesn't try to counter the shove in someway, like biting a paw.
10 for defenses. +1 for each seen to max of 10
4 for attack.
+3 for bite
+1 for shove
10 for injuries.First round

Chione's round one total: 32/50


8 for clarity:
-1 “Lifted forelegs would crash upon her opponent in an attempt to forcefully slam the lower half of her forelegs onto Chione's central neck area” The wording here is confusing and contradicting. Did she hit her opponent or just attempt to?
-1 “Unhinged jaws lunged forward in an attempt to grab hold of the girl's scruff and bite viciously into the flesh” There's a head between Aislinn and her target, so how does she intent to reach it? Does she tilt her head to the side to get at the side of Chione's scruff? There's not enough of a height difference to make reaching over plausible.
4 for powerplaying.
-2 “The militant swiftly backed away before her opponent's forelegs could make contact, taking a few steps back (leaving a distance of no further than two metres between them” Since Chione's bite and rising up are supposed to be happening simultaneously I find it hard to believe that Aislinn could put so much distance between them and avoid the shove entirely.
-2 “After the slam, her forelegs would shape into a tight hold, wrapped around Chione's central neck area” This is a nested attack and unfair for your opponent. You're assuming the attack is successful when you need to give your opponent time to react.
-2 “bite viciously into the flesh while her forelegs were wrapped around her opponent's neck.” Again, you're assuming the previous attack was successful and not giving your opponent time to react.
10 for defenses. +1 for each seen to max of 10
7 for attack.
+4 Slam/grip attempt
+3 bite
8 for injuries.
* -2 Moderate puncture wounds (severity assigned by judge)

Aislinn's round two total: 37/50

7 for clarity:  
-1 “aiming to bite the top of the woman's left leg” Which left leg? Always specify, even if it's obvious.
-2 “ Whether she made a successful bite or not, she would try to do just as she did in her fight with Aerndis; drop all her weight opposite of her attempted bite (dropping to her left, Aislinn's right) with a little push from her back legs to try and get through the woman's legs on her neck and also hoping to get a little damage on Aislinn's left leg from her weight. (She will be driving all of her weight into her left shoulder after trying to raise a little with her back legs.) “ I found this very confusing. The last sentence in parentheses told me the intentions and the body part being used, but the rest of it doesn't clearly tell me the how/where. What kind of damage and where exactly? Is she shoving or is she dropping?
9 for powerplaying.
-1 "Whether Chione was victorious or not, (only valid if she is successful with escaping Aislinn's leg grip) she would roll onto her left shoulder and across her back until she was able to stand up" This feels like an 'if this then that'. You're assuming Aislinn won't do something to stop her from rolling and standing up
10 for defenses.  +1 for each seen to max of 10
4 for attack.
+1 for shove/drop
+3 for bite
8 for injuries.
-2 for minor puncture wounds (in the future, be sure to state the severity of the damage in the actual fight post)

Chione's round two total: 38/50


AISLINN: 72/100
CHIONE: 70/100

And the winner is...

AISLINN! Chione must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Aislinn: Moderate bite wound = 2 OOC weeks to heal

Chione:  Minor bite wound = 1 OOC week to heal

Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

For both: Good fight guys! It got a little confusing at times, but you both did well. My notes are in the deductions above.

- By [Lazuli]