
I'm Not Gonna Write You a Love Song


06-07-2013, 01:34 AM

It would?ve been fun to throw her in the water, not to mention the fact that they would have to repeat last night all over again, but now wasn?t the time for games. Their bellies were empty and Cherokee was here to provide at the moment. Playing could be saved for later. He padded past her, nipping at her tail playfully only to be rewarded with a swat straight on the muzzle from her fluff of a tail. A grin split his lips as he glanced mischievously towards Song. He would get her for that after breakfast. She could count on it.

His words were heeded as Song was quick to retreat to a safe distance, well out of reach of the splash zone. He could still sense her close which allowed him to concentrate on fishing for their breakfast much more easily. He could hear the gentle padding of her paws as she moved, probably pacing as she waited for him to get a hold of a fish. He could tension between his shoulders and the only plausible explanation was that she was staring at him. He wiggled his shoulders, trying to shake the fact that her staring at him made him nervous. He had to do good. He couldn?t mess up in front of her and look like a fool. Focus. He chanted to himself, pushing Song out of his head for the moment as his dual-colored gaze danced over the surface of the water, watching as a pink scaled fish began to swim towards his direction. Cherokee readied himself, muscles tensed. The fish swam closer and closer, its head now aligned with the corner of his jaws. He waited until it was dead center before throwing his head in the water, eyes quickly shutting closed as his agape jaws closed over the fish.

Incisors sunk into the delicate flesh of the fish, impaling it inside his jaws. The obsidian brute was quick to pull his head back from the cold water, shaking it vehemently to free the water that had attempted to trap itself inside his ears. Water flung from his dark fur in all directions, showering the dirt around him. Nape twisted to the left as he glanced back towards Song, brandishing her fish in his jaws, plume wagging happily. He?d gotten her fish successfully. He attempted a bark, the sound muffled by the now dead fish in his mouth, motioning with his head for his ivory dove to come and receive her breakfast.

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