
Break Away

Silent I


11 Years
06-07-2013, 01:37 AM
She hadn't expected anything to happen that lonely, wintery morning. Then again, she didn't expect much of anything these days. Silent had become so accustomed to drifting, just floating along wherever her old paws would take her. Although age was evident in the way she moved at times and the patience that could disappear in an instant, her eyes held the fire that still burned in her soul. Maybe this was why she continued to see different places and meet new people as well. A restlessness had taken its place within her body, keeping her on the move until she couldn't take it anymore. As she stood at the end of the trail, she sighed softly and took in a deep breath of salty sea air.
At the end of the grassy trail was where the sand of the beach met the border near her front paws. The view was amazing to her, but then again, she was always a fan of the open ocean. No matter what season, she enjoyed it each time in the heat or chilly weather. As she started to think of her childhood (when her grandmother Ocean would take her away for a day), she heard a soft-pitched thud off to her right. With ears perked and curiosity peeking, Silent took a quick glance back to the outstretched beach before seeking out the noise.
Silent Shadow wasn't just named for her black fur. When she was younger, she had the ability to remain so quiet, people would think she had disappeared. That trait stayed with her as she walked through the bare bushes and nearby trees. A natural path led her towards a break in the underbrush and she saw a white dame not too far off. Silent watched her as she sniffed at the squirrel and began to nibble on the carcass. A dark eyebrow rose and she couldn't help but shake her head. Emerald eyes twinkled merrily as she watched the young lady eat her breakfast (or so Silent assumed). She began to think about the possibility of food as she turned to leave when her stomach gave a giant lurching sound. Silent looked down at her abdomen and chuckled, despite the surprise. She was sure that the dame probably heard it and would notice her firsthand.