
What A Load Of...!



4 Years
03-14-2015, 09:21 PM (This post was last modified: 03-14-2015, 09:24 PM by Rozenn.)

Being in heat sucked, and it sucked even more when she didn't have anyone to hump her brains out. Ugh. It made everything even more annoying than... well everything. Only her brother was a good enough wolf to really make her feel better. Nothing in this freaking block of land even stood up to the two of them. With an extremely loud groan she walked through the pines, looking for something to take her mind off of everything else. Someone to play with when Claude was not looking. And that is when she saw the beast of red and gray lurking in the woods, and she caught her attention right away. She had to pout when she saw that the woman was taller, as well as having quite interesting markings. Well shit, did everyone here drink beauty water or something? Only she was the natural beauty, they had to be taking something. Maybe a magical deer that granted beauty. Yes, that sounded like quite the good solution. But now she really had to inspect out this chick, see what she was about. Plus, she was bored out of her mind. Maybe this woman wouldn't mind giving her a bit of release....

Clearing her throat, the woman strutted her way towards the towering beast of a woman. Silver eyes flashed up at her, a coy smile on her lips. "Merde, vous jolie femme," she said as a greeting, but looked as if she weren't insulting her. "greetings." Rozenn offered in the more common tongue, her thick accent strong in her English words. Eyes roamed her form with little need to hide it, taking in the markings around her ankles. Interesting... she felt as if she had seen those before... A brow rose as she eyed her face, awaiting a reply.

Art by Keno

Claude is allowed to enter any thread that Rozenn is in, private or not. This is your warning.