
too hot (hot damn)



7 Years
Dire wolf
03-14-2015, 09:42 PM

"Speech" thoughts actions

ooc. this gets a bit graphic, I'm sorry. Didn't intend for that, but I couldn't stop myself D:

There was something to be said for how easily she found it in herself to head down into the darkness, and even more for the fact that she remained, despite the river of magma slowly churning across the stone by her feet. Her her whiskers were probably being singed off as she approached, but it didn't really bother her. The celestial titan was quite curious to see why the magma hadn't simply burned through the rock, or melted it along it's path. Pacing the length of the cavernous space, she regarded the strange occurrence. The gods were very odd sometimes, allowing such oddities to remain upon the earth, in little places here and there. It made for interesting discoveries, and even better stories later in life.

Seating herself upon the warm rock near the floe of lava, she watched it move curiously. These odd little things were her favourite, they were endless mysteries that, no matter how hard she tried, could not be puzzled out. with a small smile, she watched the undulating movement of the liquid rock. If she stuck a paw in there, it would be incinerated, bone eaten away within seconds. Yet, she wondered. Searching the cavern, she sought something specific. Nothing that should logically be there, but she searched for it nonetheless. A small squeak in the corner of the cavern drew her, and she found a malnourished, half dead rat. Moronic thing probably came here looking for a meal, and hadn't been smart enough to leave. Regardless, her quarry had been found.

As she plucked it up in her jaws, the galactic woman gagged on the taste of it. This thing was rancid, diseased. She was going to have to wash her mouth out as soon as she left. It squealed ceaselessly as she ambled across the rock floor, heading toward the magma flow. Her interest had been piqued, and no one would miss one sickly rat, right? Any logical being might have been abhorred by what she was thinking, but the starry goliath was merely intrigued. Without further thought, she hurled the beast into the glowing river of death. It screamed as soon as it made contact, and practically melted within seconds. "Pa toa beše mentalno luzni otkolku što mislev deka ḱe bide." Husky lyrics muttered coldly, blinking as the flaming remains disappeared from sight.