
A Change of Scenery


06-07-2013, 01:53 AM
She hadn't known anyone was going to be nearby, let alone make a sign that he or she was present. Eria was clumsy by nature anyway, but she didn't tend to show a lot of people. However, if she chose to think about it, every person she met in the past were witnesses to her antics. Her not showing a lot of people had officially become an understatement! She would have been surprised at this fact if she hadn't been dazed from her previous fall.
The three-year-old femme looked up to the dark figure that stood in front of her. After getting over the dizzy spell she had from landing "oh so gracefully", she automatically sniffed the air around them. His scent was unfamiliar, but he did not carry the one that matched the ones from her memories...which was good. Eria wagged her snow behind her as the response to his question. She nodded slowly and with a smile, said, "Oh yes, I was.." Glancing at her legs on either side, she sighed and looked back up to him. "Until this fiasco happened."
Eria attempted to move her legs, which had left obvious spaces in the snow. Her brows furrowed at the first failed attempt and she growled to herself. "Ohhhhh great," she said, before trying again without success. It was as if her legs had become frozen planks of wood and refused to bend. Ears folded against her head and she looked up at Bane. "I know we are complete strangers, but...would you mind helping me? I can't get up.."