
I Got Friends In Low Places


03-14-2015, 10:10 PM

The young man would take a trip to the southern Alacritia region. It was a place that was strange, and the young was feeling oddly satisfied after the death of his mother. The woman had got what she deserved for being heartless, for throwing her child in the ravine. But still, Hypnos felt an emptiness in his heart. His adopted mother was gone. Somewhere in his soul he felt it. Chry was not coming back for him. Apollo too was gone. The boy felt alone and yet, in other ways, not. Kapra had been found again. The boy was grateful for all that his sister had done for him and his "true" mother when they were a part of Yfir. But now he needed a new path... a new direction. Hypnos felt sure that Karpa could help with that.

Hypnos was padding along, taking care to keep working his weakest leg, when a familiar scent would catch his attention. Eyes would widen some with surprise, and the boy would walk on until he saw her again. Mystic. The young girl he had met in a cavern full of glowing mushrooms. He would let a smile cross onto his face as he called out to her. "Hey Mystic!"

"Mystic Speech," "Hypnos Speech."

Lineart by:: Otackoon on DeviantArt