
knock knock! (SIEGE)


03-15-2015, 01:21 AM
He was ready. He needed this more then even he understood. How long had it been since he had fought, since he had vented his frustrations on another. He had trained relentlessly with his family since birth, he had sparred his sister a few times but there was nothing left to fight. With his fathers disappearance he had been left feeling distraught, feeling like he was worthless at protecting anything but now he had this. It was time to prove to himself that he hadn’t lost his edge, that he hadn’t forgotten how to fight. But unlike his opponent Aster was not excited for all of this, he did not taunt his opponents. Instead he would remain standing, defenses firmly in place, one hind limb slipping backwards to prepare himself from a frontal assault. His sister was to his left and his father would appear like a ghost, moving silently to flank Aster’s right side. There was a small comfort he would take from the mere presence of his family.

There was nothing to alert Aster to the males sudden movement, he gave no motion or nod other then to begin to creep forward and attempt to slowly make his way around all of the Arcanum wolves. Thankfully Aster was a good distance away from the invaders, he would watch the male attempt to arch around and slowly he would attempt to turn even as the male continued to try and flank them. Eventually he would attempt to turn completely to continue to watch this beast put himself dead in the center of the Arcanum wolves gathered. Aster would allow his defenses to remain intact, right hind leg sliding behind him to prepare himself for impact before allow his breath to ease out of his lungs so the impact wouldn’t be quite so bad. Then as Bjorn drew closer he would speed up, throwing all of his momentum forward as he (Bjorn) attempted to lunge forward and then ultimately rear up.

Everything began to flow together after that like a twisted dance.

Aster wanted this, he needed to prove to his family that he could do this and protect him home. That and some dark part of him cried out for the blood. His opponent would rear, forelimbs flying forward in an attempt to wrap around Aster’s more slender body. Bjorn was much shorter then himself even at Aster’s younger age and where as Bjorn had more matured muscle and was stockier Aster still had the superior weight. Aster would attempt to get low as soon as Bjorn attempted to launch himself forward and his forepaws left the ground, attempting to drop down to his elbows before attempting to rock his weight forward, his movements quick and jerky as he attempted to remain in constant motion. He would attempt to twist his skull, ears tipping to his left as fangs unsheathed, lips curling back in a menacing snarl. He would attempt to part his jaws before attempting to throw himself forward to meet his opponent’s momentum at a half way point. He would try and shoot the gap and slide his face between his opponent’s forelegs, due to Bjorn’s reared stance. He would attempt to allow Bjorn’s forepaws slid over his own shoulders, trying to unfurl his hind legs and push his forepaws up at the same time so he would angle upwards into his opponent.

He would attempt to tip his head back completely and thrust his jaws straight up at Bjorn to attempt to avoid his opponents attempted bite completely. The massive boy would attempt to wrap his jaws around his opponent’s throat, upper jaws attempting to land on the left side of Bjorn’s throat and lower jaws attempting to land on the right. He would aim for the top of his throat, right below Bjorn’s jawbone, mostly due to the fact it was narrower there but also to attempt to gain some semblance of control over the mans head. He hoped to be able to rip an artery or crush his opponent’s windpipe. At the same time he would attempt to continue to unfurl his haunches, looking to slide his own right forelimb forward, completely beneath Bjorn’s body and slip it around Bjorn’s left hind leg. He would look to lift the limb when it was closer to Bjorn’s and hook it just above his knee. He wished for nothing more then to initiate a wrestling match with his own center of gravity lower then his opponents, seeking to throw his weight into his attempted bite to maybe even topple the male over.

All the while his defenses would remain intact, chin tucked as much as possible with the way his head was tipped, though his head was no longer in line with his spine he would tense his neck muscles in preparation for any attack. He would attempt to scrunch his neck and roll his shoulders forward to bunch as much skin around his neck as possible and deter any damage to his neck. Lips would curl back into a snarl to attempt to gather flesh around his delicate orbs, all the while they would remain narrowed and ears would remain pinned. His tail had tucked at this point, curling between his legs to give his opponent less to grip onto. Legs would remain bent slightly to absorb any shock and stance widened to evenly distribute his weight and center his balance. He would spread his toes for a little extra balance and dig claws into the earth for a little extra traction. His hind legs would remain more bent with a staggered stance, weight leaning slightly more to his right to accommodate his tripod stance.



Ooc;; would like to make note that I would like to use my +5 fight points here :) thanks! Also, just to note Aster is 45”, due to Bjorn’s attempt to mount Aster from behind it only makes sense that Bjorn would be in a fully extended reared stance.