
knock knock! (SIEGE)

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
03-15-2015, 11:59 AM

Where are the people that accused me?
The ones who beat me down and bruised me
They hide just out of sight
Can't face me in the light
They'll return but I'll be stronger

A vicious growl rippled from Birna as the lavender-eyed woman appeared.  Her protective nature flaring up at this threat to the family she'd finally found after all the pain and hardship she'd suffered.  However, as much as she wanted to get involved, as much as she wanted to aid Sigmarr and Sindri against the foul bitch, she knew it was not her place.  This was a battle they needed to fight. Win or lose, it was a cathartic process that would hopefully bring them the peace they so desperately needed.

She turned again to the Arcanum wolves that rolled so lazily in to protect their territory, as if this gathering were merely a tea part rather than war.  At least the women that showed now were full adults, each looking to be a capable warrior.  Birna moved to pull alongside Kassander right sidde like a guard as her brother moved to align himself elsewhere on the battlefield.  She did not question her brothers battle strategy but as more wolves began to show she felt herself begin to tense.  This was getting dangerous.

A young woman approached, a large femme and a desirable opponent.  She spoke of Saviree lands and Birna's eyes narrowed suspiciously.  Had the former alpha passed the pack off and fled? Defenses flared up.  Something didn't smell right in this mess, had they walked into a trap?  The king spoke and it seemed the siege would continue but she frowned as he allowed her the option of surrender.  That was no good.  She could always begin anew elsewhere!  Eyes turned back to the woman, ready to intervene should she attack however she made a possibly more ridiculous suggestion.  This was a siege not a pack challenge.  Clearly the green-eyed woman had no faith in her fellow warriors ability to defend themselves.  

And then the woman spoke words that blinded Birna in fury.  "….And you can watch my mother come for not only your head, but your families" NO!  Birna did not suffer the fall of the Xanilov empire to lose everything now, she did not wander the realms for months on end to have her new found family threatened so.  It was true that they could not stamp out evil.  There would always be a new threat.  But that was no reason NOT to fight against it.  She wanted this woman with a furious bloodlust that made her gut ache.  She knew it was risky, the other appeared a solid warrior and this could back fire brutally on her but it was worth the risk.

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."

Defenses fell rapidly into place.  Birna's legs spread equidistant apart, the limbs coiling to lower her center of gravity in preparation for springing forward.  Her weight spread evenly over her grounded limbs.  Birna's head lowered, tail raising so that both aligned with her spine.  Chin tucked as jaws parted.  Toes spread, claws biting into the dirt as she prepared to launch herself at the woman.  Eyes narrowed, ears pinned tightly back to her head.  Hackles raised as shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunching back.

She would give no word of warning and she would not care if the other woman uttered words of indignance.  The two leaders battling it out cliche mattered about as much as shit to the warrioress.  She would fight who she wanted and her honor demanded she fight the best and this green-eyed woman, who pinned her packs entire fate on her own prowess, was the greatest threat present.  A fierce danger, a beast in the night who had promised retribution on Birna's new-found family.  A threat that could not be taken lightly.  This would be a grand battle, one that Birna might very well lose but she would give it her all for the honor and protection of her family… and of course, not to be outdone by her brother.

Powerful limbs beat into the ground as Birna launched herself forward, attempting to close the distance between herself and Basanti.  The bear woman's intent is to hopefully approach Basanti nearly head on but a few inches to her own right so that the front of her left shoulder blade aligns  with the lower underside of Basanti's neck, a few inches above the sternum.  She seeks to drive the front portion of her left shoulder blade into Basanti's trachea with the intent of severely bruising the trachea and crippling Basanti's breathing for the remainder of the fight.  Birna also attempted to thrust the exact center of her chest into the front of Basanti's upper left shoulder, exhaling as she did so to prevent her own breath being knocked from her.  Her goal was to try to use her weight and momentum to shake her opponents balance and cause the other female to stumble.  It was a gambit for sure, for she knew she'd receive bruising in return.

Nearly simultaneously her neck would curve to her own left, head tilting to to her own left and slightly down, to make up for her superior height as well as to partially shield her throat, as her upper fangs attempted to pierce Basanti's right eye, the lower ones seeking to pierce the femme's left eye.  Birna hoped to fully blind her opponent and get a solid grip on the others face.

Birna also attempted to shift her weight to her front left leg and both hind legs as she tried to lift her right forepaw with the hopes of bringing it down on Basanti's left forepaw, hoping to use her weight to sprain and maybe fracture some of the delicate toes.  The bear woman would do her best to take out this fearsome opponent and make it that much more difficult for the enemy to further threaten her family.

Birna vs Basanti for Full Blinding
Rd. 1 of 3?

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