
I'm Not Gonna Write You a Love Song


06-07-2013, 02:54 AM

His fishing had been successful and Song would be able to eat well that morning. He didn?t fish often, but the few times he did he always managed to come through. This time had been no exception. He watched with muffled amusement as Song threw her forelimbs into the air, squealing in delight as he brandished his prize. Jeez was she was adorable when she did that. She rushed towards him, more than happy that he?d been able to snag her breakfast on the first try. She gingerly reached for the fish at his jaws, the obsidian brute relinquishing it easily enough as she lowered it before her paws, smiling happily at him as she exclaimed the brilliance of his performance. His tail wagged furiously behind his dark haunches, heart beating crazily inside his chest, proud of himself. She was even more beautiful when she got excited.

Once the fish was lying at her feet Song lifted her head once more, pressing her nose to his chin, her voice barely above a whisper as she thanked him. He lowered his muzzle, pink ribbon lashing out, the tip brushing against the tip of her nose. There?s no need to thank me miss Song, it was my pleasure. She didn?t linger after thanking him, her crown lowering as she began tearing away at the fish, swallowing hungrily, her mismatched gaze locking with his, approval of her meal apparent in her gaze and words. Glad you like it. He chuckled. Was it possible for her to get any cuter? He didn?t doubt it.

Now it was his turn to catch his own breakfast. Turning away from Song, Cherokee repositioned himself back at the edge of the water, gaze intent on its crystalline surface, just in time to catch another fish swim by in just the same spot. He tensed, jaw unhinged, waiting for the perfect strike. It came just moments after. The obsidian brute reacted in a split-second, his massive skull dipping into the water once again, jaws clamping over the fish, securing it inside his cavernous mouth. He recoiled, but unlike before he restrained himself from shaking, remembering that Song was just a few paw-steps away. So once out he lifted himself to his full height, trotting a little ways to his right, vigorously shaking his head to clear the water from his pelt. Confident that no water remained he trotted back to the pearly dame, lowering his massive frame onto the earth before, dropping his fish just inches from hers. Right forepaw trapped the fish?s now still head, sharpened incisors ripping away at the delicate flesh, tearing out a significant chunk. He chewed once, twice before allowing the meat to slip down his throat to land into his empty stomach. A content sigh slipped past his bloody lips, plume wagging gently behind him as he allowed his gaze to fall on Song as he ripped yet another chunk from his breakfast.

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