
knock knock! (SIEGE)



2 Years
03-15-2015, 03:10 PM

I was disappearing in plain sight
heaven help me
I need to make it right

Sigmarr's assault would not bear the sweet fruit of life that he sought to pluck from this woman's bones but he would taste her blood none the less.  Instead of seizing her throat his fangs would tear into the flesh of her upper left sided neck, failing to get a grip but leaving moderate wounds.  Her shuffle back and to the right would cause his paw stomp to miss and his shoulder to collide lightly with the upper center of his chest causing light bruising to blossom across the front of his left shoulder.  Sigmarr quickly redistributed his weight and re-solidified his defenses.

Eyes  remained narrowed as ears stayed pinned tightly back to the top of his head. His muzzle was crinkled as his jaws parted.  Chin moved to tuck as his head and tail shifted to align with his spine.  Powerful shoulders rolled forward as his neck scrunched back, hackles rising down his back as he spread his legs equidistant apart, evenly distributing his weight.  The limbs bent slightly to lower his center of gravity.  Abdomen tensed for the coming assault as his toes splayed, nails biting into the earth.

Rage blossomed in his chest as the monstrosity went for his sister.  Hell.  Fucking.  No.  Sigmarr kicked off, attempting to approach Aerndís perpendicularly to align his left shoulder with her right knee.  He sought to come in low weight shifting to his hind legs and right foreleg as he attempted to lift his left foreleg with the intent of bringing it down on Aern's right hind paw in the hopes of spraining or fracturing the toes.  In the same fluid motion he aimed to drive the front of his left shoulder forward into Aern's right knee with the intent of dislodging the kneecap and crippling her right hind leg.  With Aern attempting to raise herself her undersides were exposed and Sigmarr dove in hungrily for her guts.  He attempted to bite into her right-sided belly, just behind the ribs, with his lower fangs seeking to rest along the underside of her belly, the upper fangs on the outer right side.  He sought to drive his jaws together in a solid and powerful grip.  He would gut this banshee.  He would drive her evil back to hell where it belonged.

Sigmarr and Sindri vs Aerndís for DEATH  2/2